Nnnnlateral thinking techniques pdf

Analogical thinking creative analogies two concepts are seen as similar one very deep structures archimedes and eureka taking a bath is an analogy for volume making the familiar seem strange sometimes too much familiarity is bad experts can get in a rut approaching a familiar problem from a strange angle can encourage. Being able to think outside the box and looking at a problem from different perspectives is a valuable trait. He originated the concept of lateral thinking and developed formal techniques for deliberate creative thinking. Logical thinking is selection and is brought about by the processes of acceptance and rejection. Learning outcomes lateral thinking potential genesis. He is widely regarded as the leading authority in the direct teaching of thinking as a skill. Thinking is a skill, it can be developed and improved if one knows how. Lateral thinking how can lateral thinking help you. It essentially means being able to think creatively or outside the box in order to solve a problem. The differences between lateral thinking, parallel thinking. The capacity to challenge the existing order of things, by deliberately forcing ourselves out of our usual way of thinking, to see the status quo from a. Yet i believe both are relatively unexplored areas with our young student mathematicians. A way of thinking that seeks a solution to an intractable problem through unorthodox methods or elements that would normally be ignored by logical thinking. Lateral thinking puzzles are strange situations in which you are given a little information and then have to find the explanation.

Details lateral thinking technique is a set of techniques used to stimulate creative or out of the box thinking. Your team has the skills and techniques they need to make the best decision. Along the way, youll learn several lateral thinking techniques that can help you solve complex problems. Lateral thinking is the ability to use your imagination to look at a problem in a fresh way and come up. What is lateral thinking and what is an example of it. Creative thinking techniques provide the method for deliberately combining ideas in ways which you would not normally come across or think about.

For more assistance and information about critical thinking strategies, visit our. The star below the achievement chart is a footnote explaining that critical and creative. Lateral thinking is a manner of solving problems using an indirect and creative approach via reasoning that is not immediately obvious. In figure 1, the divergent and convergent thinking model is represented. Main objectives of a creative thinking process is to think beyond existing boundaries, to awake curiosity, to. Vertical versus lateral thinking article pdf available in physician executive 343. Lateral thinking techniques encourage thinkers to disrupt logical thought and arrive at the solutions from another angle. Lateral thinking is a deliberate, systematic creativethinking process that deliberately looks at challenges from completely different angles. In many classrooms, especially in high schools, covering curriculum content is seen as the priority. Today visual thinking techniques similar enough to be called mind mapping include. We also offer the full six thinking hats programme separately. This lesson is going to cover a scenario where using lateral thinking would be important. Creative thinking techniques are processes by which we focus attention, escape the. If the thought is negative, it will draw negative emotions.

Applying lateral thinking techniques is a deliberate strategy to interrupt normal, linear thought patterns, to facilitate the transition between patterns, and to widen the range of possibilities. The green advanced brainstorming tour will move steadily through the training material for the following creative techniques. Lateral thinking as a means of teaching object think. These techniques can be used by individuals and groups are used in most fortune 500 companies as a way to develop creative and innovative ideas. Lateral thinking rearrangement of information to escape the rigid patterns established by experience to create new patterns through the language tool. See more ideas about lateral thinking, six thinking hats and creative thinking. Lateral thinking is solving problems by an indirect and creative approach, typically through viewing the problem in a new and unusual light. The use of lateral thinking in the generation of new ideas 1967 and further developed in lateral thinking. Creative thinking techniques work to stimulate original ideas. By introducing specific, unconventional thinking techniques, lateral thinking enables thinkers to find novel solutions that. No and not are judgment devices to reject certain arrangements of information.

Creative problem solving and design thinking epale. Bsbcrt301a develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills. Critical and creative thinking in the math classroom the. Today visualthinking techniques similar enough to be called mind mapping include. Lateral thinking is a set of related techniques primarily. He calls one vertical thinking, which uses the processes of logicthe traditional, historical method. The assumptions technique aims at overcoming your thinking habits in order to create. The tool that allows parallel thinking to occur is dr. Lateral thinking is a technique where you vere from the normal or linear straight path way of problem solving to a nonlinear or lateral thinking. This breaks old habits and forces us to invent new ways of looking at solutions. Here is the lone reference to critical and creative thinking in the ontario curriculum. This entry was posted in blog, life and tagged improve the situation, jacquie wise, lateral thinking techniques, look for the ideal solution, make the same mistakes again, making it happen, principles of problem solving, see the funny side, wasted so.

Welcome to critical thinking in 10 minutes, your starting. Lateral thinking is a set of related techniques primarily intended to support creative thinking. Explore and use a range of creative thinking techniques to generate ideas and responses. This extract from irms training material looks at how systematic, creative thinking techniques can be used to design practical solutions to business problems.

Critical thinking is one of the most important skills you can develop while at university. He defines it as a technique of problem solving by approaching problems indirectly at diverse. I believe critical and creative thinking are both essential to doing math. In addition, a constant stream of mind mapping software continues to appear, the process is taught extensively, and most creative professionals have been. Muse on, play around with and have fun with ideas in relation to a. Lateral thinking means taking a creative approach to a problem or challenge. When it comes, we must discern and find out if it is god or men or demonic spirit. If you get more than 50% of these right youre certainly strong on your lateral thinking puzzles skillsor maybe youre just good at puzzles. When we chunk up the language gets more abstract and there are more chances for agreement, and when we chunk down we tend to be looking for the specific. This approach is typically necessary to the solution of these problems. Chunking up or down allows the speaker to use certain language patterns, to utilise the natural internal process through language, to reach for higher meanings or search for more specific bitsportions of missing information. Nov 18, 2016 how to improve lateral thinking skills in elearning.

Brainstorming is the most familiar and popular ideagenerating technique for groups. New ideas happen when two or more ideas are accidentally or deliberately merged when they have never been merged before. By introducing specific, unconventional thinking techniques, lateral thinking enables thinkers to find novel solutions that would otherwise remain uncovered. Creativity and creative thinking lateral and vertical thinking. First published in 1967 as the use of lateral thinking, this classic international bestseller remains as relevant to learning, problem solving and creative thinking. Lateral thinking is a deliberate, systematic creative thinking process that deliberately looks at challenges from completely different angles. Creative thinking and lateral thinking techniques to use this page you first need to learn how creative thinking techniques work, so click here if you do not already. The closer to the side tips, the more divergent the thought will be and the.

Faste director, product design design division, mechanical engineering department stanford university, stanford ca 943054021 september 15, 1994 abstract me 3, ambidextrous thinking, was created in 1988 to meet the needs of incoming masters degree students in the programs of mechanical. How to improve lateral thinking skills in elearning. Lateral thinking involves looking at a situation or problem from a unique or unexpected point of view. Whenever youre in a bind, lateral thinkers always have an innovative solution to offer. So, the investigator tries to find out the lateral thinking of prospective teachers with certain demographic variables. Thinking skills, and particularly critical thinking, are addressed only after the subject matter has been taught.

May 28, 2015 lateral thinking is solving problems by an indirect and creative approach, typically through viewing the problem in a new and unusual light. Here well talk you through what the ability is, and give some examples of lateral thinking skills. If the thought is a lie, then we are feeding the lie. Lateral thinking exercises these lateral puzzles have divided into cells, so that you can. It involves ideas that may not be obtainable using only traditional stepbystep logic. Operational definitions lateral thinking lateral thinking is a way of thinking which seeks the solution to intractable. Random thoughts are thoughts that we are not thinking but suddenly come to us. Do a find someone who with the questions and answers. Lateral thinking technique santa barbara city college. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Like many of these skills, the process can seem daunting at first, but with time these steps become second nature and habitual. Fold the puzzles, so that students have to unfold them to find the correct answers.